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Pre and post Cyber ​​process, had great challenges in terms of digital transactions

Cyber ​​Monday has brought about a real digital transformation in retail companies this year. The recent Cyber ​​Monday, organized by […]


30 November, 2017

Cyber ​​Monday has brought about a real digital transformation in retail companies this year.

The recent Cyber ​​Monday, organized by the Santiago Chamber of Commerce (CCS), has
confirmed the consolidation of e-commerce as a key area in the development of the
digital economy, achieving record sales and surpassing the same event of the
previous year by almost 50%.

According to figures provided by the CCS, Cyber ​​Monday raised more than US$190 million in
sales and the main winners were the retail giants Ripley, Falabella and Cencosud.
In this framework, Aligare has had an important participation, supporting the management of the
Order Control System of Ripley, a company with which Aligare has a vast
track record and successful participation in events such as Cyber ​​Monday.

The work carried out with Ripley in the pre and post Cyber ​​​​process, had great challenges in terms
of internal digital transactions, accompanying the client in everything that an event of
this magnitude requires. Aligare has helped meet the goals proposed by Ripley, which has
positioned itself as one of the companies with the highest number of Cyber ​​​​Monday sales.

30 November, 2017

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