Empowering Customers with AWS

At Aligare, we have been proud partners of Amazon Web Services (AWS) since 2019. This strategic partnership with AWS has been key to offering efficient technological solutions to companies in a constantly evolving market.

Aligare has remained at the forefront of the industry, committed to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Our collaboration with the AWS Partner Network (APN) has strengthened our ability to design the best solutions and services that businesses demand today.

As AWS Select Certified Partners, Consulting Partner and Public Sector Partner, specialized in serverless technologies, we are prepared to offer efficient and successful solutions to your company in one of the most advanced cloud ecosystems in the world.

We are Certified Partner Select

Why AWS and Aligare

AWS Well-Framed Architected Framework


Operational Excellence

The Operational Excellence pillar includes the ability to support the development and execution of workloads effectively, understand your operations, and continually improve supporting processes and procedures to deliver business value.



The Security pillar includes the ability to protect data, systems and assets to take advantage of cloud technologies to improve the level of security.



The Reliability pillar includes the ability  of  a workload to perform  its intended function correctly and consistently when expected.  This includes the ability to use and test the workload throughout its lifecycle.


Performance efficiency

The Performance Efficiency pillar is the ability to effectively use computing resources to meet system requirements, as well as maintain efficiency as demand changes and technologies evolve.



The Sustainability pillar includes the long-term environmental, economic and social impact of its business activities.


Cost optimization

The Cost Optimization pillar includes the ability to run systems to deliver business value at the lowest possible cost.

Some of our projects

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