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Aligare Celebrates Mid Term 2022

As a tradition, Aligare celebrates the mid-year with all its professionals. The event was held at Maison de France , where we...

24 August, 2022

As a tradition, Aligare celebrates the mid-year with all its professionals. The event was held at Maison de France , where we enjoyed a delicious cocktail and shared a great presentation. In this presentation, we reviewed both the progress made and the future challenges that were analyzed this year with the support of our OKRs.

Aligare Global

Opening of Aligare in Miami, Florida, with our international website and the first business invoiced this year, with the idea of ​​​​deepening in markets in Colombia, Peru, USA, Mexico and the Caribbean.

Operational Excellence

We are aligned to strengthen our excellent operation, with continuous improvement of control and management.

Let’s Make MTD Great

We have added new features to our product: Payment Portal, OMS Agenda, IS/ML Incorporation, user management and of course, we have an updated unified Demo available to the commercial area.

Let’s live the Aligare Culture

Despite working remotely, we want to strengthen our culture of family, companionship and camaraderie, with face-to-face meetings in our office. Regarding our Team Work, we have worked on strengthening the synergy of the commercial and operations areas; In addition, we emphasize the importance of periodic evaluations so that our professionals have adequate feedback on their performance.

Aligare Academy

We congratulate the good results of our academy that promotes the development of students in practice who later become part of our staff and we set ourselves the challenge of making it grow to strengthen the incorporation of talents.

24 August, 2022

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