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DevOps and its role in digital transformation

DevOps is one of the most frequently used terms in today’s IT environment. It is an acronym for development and […]


10 January, 2019

DevOps is one of the most frequently used terms in today’s IT environment. It is an acronym for development and operations. It is generally associated with digital transformation strategies and methodologies such as Continuous Delivery and agile development. As a concept, it refers to a software development methodology and IT system professionals.

Today, there are many companies that rely on the DevOps philosophy to achieve agility in their customer value creation and in the organization of all their processes. It is one of the great pillars of digital transformation and can be adapted to companies of any size.

By uniting development and IT operations across the entire software lifecycle, from design and development to production, DevOps accelerates the pace and quality of customer innovations. Embracing this culture can help every company stay ahead of its competition.

Some DevOps leaders, such as Amazon and Google, are deploying changes to live applications at a rate of 20,000 deployments per day. While this dynamism is unrealistic for enterprise and mission-critical applications, they can benefit from principles such as repository-based development teams and continuous integration to get to a state where they could be deployed once a week.

To implement DevOps, these main steps must be taken:

  • Working with a source code repository: Having a management system like Git that allows teams to take advantage of parallel development.
  • Apply continuous integration: Employ this technique that continuously merges source code updates from all developers on a team into a shared mainline.
  • Automate testing to speed delivery: Ideally, you should automate the testing process on a continuous basis.
  • Collaborate on project and change management: Every source code change, build, and deployment should be tracked and fully automated, which also provides full transparency across a company’s entire development lifecycle.

In conclusion, we can say that DevOps is especially useful in the new environment of digital transformation and the development of digital products, for which the end user and/or the internal business client demands TTM (time-to-market), more quality, more flexibility, less cost and a very high frequency of releases.

10 January, 2019

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