The Aligare Community reunited again
Last Friday, September 23, the Aligare community met again to celebrate, with an increasing quorum, given that the pandemic is giving up spaces and we are recovering them.
We are happy to share with you this great moment of camaraderie and joy that took place in the exclusive space of the Divertimento Chileno restaurant at the foot of San Cristóbal Hill. We had an excellent afternoon where we were able to enjoy a delicious Chilean lunch, typical games such as the “table pisa”, the emboque, target shooting, payas, the traditional gymkhana and an exquisite cocktail to end the afternoon.
Our winners!
The table calls for: Luis Montes, Juan Carlos Gomez, Roselin Avila, Orlando Salgado, Ones Romero, Moses Novoa, Patricio Cisterna, Andres Strange, Gabriel Hormazabal.
Emboque : Tamara Aguila and Felix Herrera.
Clowns : Patricia Pavez, Patricio Cisterna.
Gymkhana: Carmen Ortiz, Daniel Vilches, Patricia Pavez, Maximiliano Vilches and Boris Parra.
Target Shooting: Tamara Águila.
We thank everyone for attending, sharing and carrying out the activities with such enthusiasm and joy, especially the human resources team for organizing this wonderful event.