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NASA hopes AI can replace the human eye in detecting dangerous asteroids
The Aerospace Corporation’s Intelligence Innovation and Analytics department is working to use artificial intelligence to help detect potential space threats

CyberDay increased transactions by 55% this year
CyberDay Chile 2019 concluded on Wednesday, May 29, and the numbers are already encouraging. The event, which was organized by

Beware: malware with artificial intelligence already exists
Cybercrime is constantly using advanced techniques to attack users, their computers and phones, so much so that the latest criminal

3D Virtual Events: Cost-Reducing and Eco-Friendly
Technological advances are transforming B2B business, forcing companies to innovate in order to position themselves and satisfy their customers. Networking

RCS service: the evolution of SMS and future competition from WhatsApp
Over the years, mobile messaging has undergone many changes and for a long time SMS (Short Messaging Service) was the

In 2019, spending on digital transformation will exceed 1.18 billion dollars
According to IDC’s Worldwide Semiannual Digital Transformation Spending Guide, global spending on digital transformation will exceed $1.18 billion this year.

Big Data and the transformation of logistics
Logistics, like many other sectors, has had to adapt to the constant changes in the business world due to digital

The robot market is expected to grow by 21% in Latin America this year
The expectations for the robot market in Latin America in 2019 are that it will reach USD$1,266 million, with a

E-commerce: Where do residents of the Metropolitan Region shop?
According to a study conducted by Kawésqar Lab and the Santiago Chamber of Commerce (CCS) that gathers information on user

The 10 essential tools of Big Data
The increase in data generated every day since the technological revolution has triggered interest in areas such as Big Data,

Today’s customer is omnichannel
It could be said that almost everyone is an omnichannel customer, from teenagers to the elderly, since all are present

Video technologies in the future of retail
In recent years, there has been much talk about the impact that technology has had (and continues to have) on

In 2023 there will be new administrative IT jobs that do not exist today
According to the recently conducted Gartner CIO survey, 50% of government IT workers will occupy roles that do not exist

Formjacking: the new threat affecting online shopping
According to the Symantec 2019 Internet Security Threat Report, “Formjacking” attacks have skyrocketed to an average of 4,800 websites each

Machine Learning: Concept and Applications
One of the terms that has recently gained a lot of popularity is Machine Learning (ML). But what is this