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The 8.8 Computer Security Conference, cybersecurity and Aligare
On October 26 and 27, the 8.8 Computer Security Conference, the main technical conference on computer security in Chile and

Collect: the complete solution for collection management
As part of the transformation process that companies are currently undergoing, it is logical that they also need to modernize

The Digital Transactional Engine behind Cyber Monday
Cyber Monday has just ended and it is estimated that this version reached 1,737,000 transactions, about 223 million dollars in

Get ready: Cyber Monday 2018 has come early
The Santiago Chamber of Commerce has decided to bring forward Cyber Monday this year, so the dates chosen for this

According to IDC, cloud services will grow by almost 40%
In its 20th IT Infrastructure Transformation Seminar held by IDC (International Data Corporation), the world’s leading market intelligence, consulting services,

Digital America and MTD Aligare
The 4th Latin American Congress on Technology and Business, América Digital 2018, was held on September 5 and 6 at

Support and Operational Continuity
It is vitally important for the success of a business that the requirements of users and clients are satisfied and

AWS Cloud Experience Chile and Microservices
The Parque Titanium Convention Center was the place chosen to host a new version of the AWS Cloud Experience in

Aligare Key Partner for Digital Government
Aligare stands out as a key partner for the modernization of the state and digital government, supporting everything from architectural

Enterprise Architecture Consulting
Enterprise architecture consultancies are related to the goals of an organization and the way in which systems can propose ways

Purchase Order Management Services
Over the past few years, Aligare has specialized in backoffice systems for largeretail companies, focused on handling highly transactional purchase

Support and Operational Continuity at Telethon 2017
The Support and Operational Continuity of an IT Infrastructure represents a significant challenge for an organization, since it must always

Pre and post Cyber process, had great challenges in terms of digital transactions
Cyber Monday has brought about a real digital transformation in retail companies this year. The recent Cyber Monday, organized by